First Name
Last Name
Event Date!
Address of your event/venue
Would you like to add on an extra time?
Yes please! Add a half hour! ($125) #partymore
Yes please! Add an hour! ($250) #partyanimal
MORE, MORE, MORE (describe below)
No thanks, we're good!
Would you like to add on idle time?
Yes please! Add an hour ($75)
Yes please! Add 1.5 hours ($112.50)
More than 1.5 hours (describe below)
No thanks, we're good!
Please confirm the timeline you'd like for the Photo Booth during your event
Do you have a guestbook?
Yes, we purchased a guestbook from you!
No, but we would like to purchase a guestbook from you!
Yes, but we have our own guestbook.
No thanks, we are going to pass on a guestbook.
Would you like to rent our Corn Hole boards for your event?
Yes, we've already rented them through you!
Yes, please add them to our invoice!
No thanks, we're going to pass.
Would you like to purchase a USB/C Flash Drive for a keepsake of your photos!?
Yes please! ($50)
No thank you, we're going to pass.
If yes, what is the address you would like to have the Flash Drive mailed?
Please explain the area that you'd like us to park the photo booth.
Please confirm that the space where we are parking is accessible with a truck and trailer and that your venue owner approves of us driving on the grass if necessary.
Yes! It is accessible.
No, it's not accessible by truck. (please get approval from us via email so we're on the same page)
Are there any special instructions for when we arrive? (Example: What entrance to use if it is a big event, noise restrictions, etc)
Who is our main contact at the event? Please include name, phone number, and email.
Who is a back-up contact at the time of the event in case the primary contact is unreachable. Please include name, phone number, and email.
Please confirm that there is an outlet or source of power that is free of other loads to support our power needs. We can run up to 100 feet of extension cords.
Yes, our contact will show you where your power source is when you arrive!
No, we do not currently have power for you. (Please email us with further details)
If event location is in an area with minimal parking, Is there a reserved spot where we are able to park the truck after we detach it from the trailer during the event?
We always arrive at the event approximately 1 hour ahead of time to set up. If for some reason you or the primary event contact will not be there at this time, please make sure to leave detailed information on where to park and where to get our power source
If you would like customized text included on your photo strip, please type that below. (Hashtags, your names, well wishes, etc!)
To customize your photo strip we have a few font types to choose from. Please scroll down and select a font type!
1 (Block Letters)
2 (Cursive Letters)
Finally we have a few templates available for you to choose from! Please scroll to the bottom of this page and choose which option you'd like. Otherwise, if you have a specific logo/design please select the "custom design" checkbox below and email us your logo/design in the following format (.png)
A (Floral Greenery)
B (Plain)
C (Custom logo - I will email it to you!)